Il prurito origina dal rilascio, da parte di cellule epidermiche e dermiche, di mediatori che, legandosi a recettori specifici, stimolano le fibre nervose periferiche afferenti: Il prurito può quindi essere interpretato come dolore.

Come evidenziato nel recente articolo, qui di seguito riportato, il sistema endocannabinoide cutaneo è uno dei responsabili dell’omeostasi cutanea, indispensabile per il benessere del soggetto.


Molecules. 2019 Mar; 24(5): 918. 
Published online 2019 Mar 6. doi: 10.3390/molecules24050918
PMCID: PMC6429381 PMID: 30845666

Cannabinoid Signaling in the Skin: Therapeutic Potential of the “C(ut)annabinoid” System

Kinga Fanni Tóth,1,† Dorottya Ádám,1,† Tamás Bíró,2,3,‡ and  Attila Oláh1,*‡


The endocannabinoid system (ECS) has lately been proven to be an important, multifaceted homeostatic regulator, which influences a wide-variety of physiological processes all over the body. Its members, the endocannabinoids (eCBs; e.g., anandamide), the eCB-responsive receptors (e.g., CB1, CB2), as well as the complex enzyme and transporter apparatus involved in the metabolism of the ligands were shown to be expressed in several tissues, including the skin. Although the best studied functions over the ECS are related to the central nervous system and to immune processes, experimental efforts over the last two decades have unambiguously confirmed that cutaneous cannabinoid (“c[ut]annabinoid”) signaling is deeply involved in the maintenance of skin homeostasis, barrier formation and regeneration, and its dysregulation was implicated to contribute to several highly prevalent diseases and disorders, e.g., atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, scleroderma, acne, hair growth and pigmentation disorders, keratin diseases, various tumors, and itch. The current review aims to give an overview of the available skin-relevant endo- and phytocannabinoid literature with a special emphasis on the putative translational potential, and to highlight promising future research directions as well as existing challenges.