Inulin is a complex carbohydrate formed by the simple sugar molecules, linked by beta bonds.
Biological Role
The inulin’s carbohydrates pass unchanged through the entire small intestine (non-digestible oligosaccharides or NDO), and then undergo a fermentation by colonic bacteria.
Following this transformation it has been obtained:
the increase in bacterial acidophilus biomass
the production of Vitamin B
higher absorption of minerals
an increase in the energy available to the cells of the intestinal wall
inhibition of the growth of putrefying bacteria
Clinical Applications
Taking inulin is useful in all cases where stress interferes with good intestinal functions:
travel and environmental changes
vital physiological stages (puppy, senior, etc.)
abrupt dietary changes
Thanks to an indirect probiotic effect, inulin determines:
a general improvement of the health status
better absorption of Calcium
reduces the production of intestinal gas, favoring a good stool consistency